I have recently Googled the word diet. There were 117,000,000 results. Most of the facts are contradictory. This is the top 10 tips you have to know if you are serious about losing weight for good.
1) There are hundreds of thousands of diet plans. But, when you break it down there are just 3 types of weight loss diet plan. These are the low carbohydrate diet; the low fat diet; and the counting calorie (ie low calorie) diet. At the heart of each is the reduction of calories. Don't be scammed by a "new" diet that surfaces. Look behind the detail and it will fall into one of the three diet types.
2) There is little evidence to support that "diet A" is better than "diet B" for long-term, sustained weight loss. Any diet, if adhered to, should result in short- term weight loss. The key is sustainability - if you are unable to stick to a diet long- term, you won't maintain long-term weight loss.
3) The word diet is unhelpful. Diet means what is eaten by a living thing. Every person on the planet is on a diet. Yet, we think of diet and dieting with regard to weight loss. In particular we talk of "going on a diet" as a short-term measure to achieve weight loss. It's the wrong approach. Don't go on a diet. What most people should aim for is a permanent change to diet and lifestyle.
4) What changes do you need to make? First, cut out refined sugar. No sweets, candy, cakes. You already know this. For most of our history sugar has been a luxury. Think of sugar in that vein and consume it frugally.
5) Next, cut down the starchy carbohydrates. We eat bread, pastry, potatoes, pasta, rice - the staples of most meals - far too readily. Carbs are an important energy food. Pre industrial revolution many folk performed physical work, so a high carb diet made sense. Today most of us have a more sedentary lifestyle, yet we still eat up those carbs. In particular, reduce your heavy carb intake with your evening meal. You don't need energy to sit at home and get ready for bed.
6) Cut down the fat. When is a food a fatty food? The key number is 4% - cut down foods that are more than 4% fat. In the UK foods are labelled per 100g, so it's simple to find foods that are more than 4g of fat per 100g. However, some foods are naturally fatty. Nuts and oily fish have a high fat content, but should form part of a healthy, balanced diet.
7) Red meat is inclined to be fatty. Try out leaner cuts, or lower fat meats such as chicken, turkey or venison. Lean meats are a good source of protein and are great for people who want to eat healthily. They are filling and stop cravings.
8) What else should we eat? Where possible, change to whole grain products. They fill you more and are high in fiber. Have more vegetables. They are low fat, are high fiber and loaded with vitamins and minerals. Eat more fruit. They provide natural sugars to satisfy sweet cravings.
9) Eat smaller meals, 4-5 times a day and not 3 large meals. Combine non-starchy carbs and protein with each meal. Have fruit as a snack.
10) You have to exercise. If this looks like a cheat in a diet article, sorry. If you are serious about losing weight you have to burn the calories you hold in addition to reducing the calories you consume. No excuses.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
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