Considering that the subject of about weight loss motivation is very important, I decided to write a second part concerning this subject. The points in this part have also been tested by me and usually give positive results.

1. Stop procrastinating. This is a great. Say to yourself "I'll do it later... "," I'll do the next day... "and" I'll do next week... "can eventually end in fact does not at all. '' Sounds familiar? It does so without doubt, because I believe that procrastination and the ability to quit smoking, it is a big obstacle that you are trying to overcome in your routes to increase your motivation to exercise and the experience of real weight loss.

To combat this, try this technique little - your routine may indicate that you must exercise Monday, Wednesday and Friday (for example). Now, if Monday is your next training session, just bluntly say to yourself - "Monday I go to the gym. Be motivated and not to betray your own words! The decision Monday, you go to the gym. There is no "maybes" - you're firmly say to yourself that the Monday you go to the gym no matter what. Now, you're committed to going to the gym Monday.

What happens generally now is that Monday is close, find magically (or at least try) reasons, and why you can't make excuses. Maybe you have to finish a report to work, or are rushing to the market to buy food? Before you start even to justify your procrastination why you can't get to the gym, tell that little voice in your head to SHUT THE HELL UP! You have already committed to go, the report can wait, and you can always buy food after your workout.

2 Get help. Talk to people about your goals as well as the decision to exercise. Share your goal with family and friends. More people know, the better. Tell them why it is important for you that get you there. In 99% of cases, you will get in response words of encouragement. This little push of motivation can be just what it takes to help you stay on track. But make sure that you talk only to people positive and conducive to your exercise program, or even reducing the motivation may also be possible.

This is another very simple technique that people almost never put to good use. Call your friend and tell them how excited and enthusiastic you are about hitting your goals. You can also read your written statement power: ' Hey, I have this great work new routine that I'm following and am therefore motivated and full of energy to go through it, because I want to achieve weight loss. ''

Talk to your friend tonight, say above Word for Word and see what you get reaction. I'd be willing to bet that it is positive!

So thats all for now. Remember, the motivation is a big part of the battle.


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