People are always familiar with typical allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, hives or breathing problems, but have you ever considered these:
Arthritic pain
Conjunctivitis (pink-eye) - consider dust or pollen, contact lenses, makeup as possibilities
Tinnitus (ringing of the ears)
Ear infections
Weight Gain
Cataracts Diabetes
Muscle pain
So why would these be symptoms at all? The reason is this, symptoms can occur anywhere in the body. It is determined by where the substance has been carried by the blood. In other words, they don't necessarily occur at the point of first contact with the body! Therefore, no part of the body is immune to allergy.
As an example from above, bed-wetting can come from dairy, as can ear infections. How about tinnitus? Some can be triggered by dairy and to others WiFi may be the trigger (yes, someone can be sensitive to cell phones, cell towers and the like). And what about fatigue?
If you were to think it over carefully, continued and repeated exposure to a substance you are sensitive to will eventually wear you down and you will feel more tired! How about weight gain? Many items the body perceives as a threat it will often store in your fat cells! Then there's Diabetes.
What has that got to do with allergies? Diabetes and anyone having trouble regulating their blood sugar levels may have an issue with insulin (the hormone responsible for lowering blood sugar levels) and may even be sensitive to sugar (go figure). Arthritc and muscle pain is also a common symptom.
There have been numerous studies showing that arthritis can appear suddenly when people are given foods which they are sensitive to. Symptoms also disappear when those foods are removed again from their diet. When muscle aches are common upon waking or keep recurring then you should start investigating!
Did You Know?- 90% of food allergies are delayed onset. In other words, you may have symptoms up to 3 days later. Therefore skin and RAST tests may not detect them at all.
- Fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms of allergy
- Taking products to suppress your symptoms, actually pushes the issue deeper into the body
At around the age of 7, I was a young boy who came to Canada. I was so ecstatic with arriving at a new country that it was hard to contain my excitement. Everything was going well, then at the age of 13 came my first sniffle, then my first full blown sneeze, again and again.
But when my wife got hold of this allergy relief technique, I latched on to it and it has changed my life. No longer do I hide during the months of May and June, but instead, I enjoy the fresh breeze outside.
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