If you ask most people how they get their energy for the day they'll tell you about how they can't go a day without coffee. Without knowing it, they allowed their body to create a dependence on coffee for energy.

We all enjoy a nice cup of coffee but there are other great ways to get your energy which can be more natural and a bit healthier.

The sources that we get our energy from determines the QUALITY of our performance. If we are feeling sluggish and not up for anything, we won't go the extra mile in our workout.

However, if you go in there feeling pumped and ready to wear your body out you'll inevitably see the results down the road.

Below we've outlined some great tips that you can start implementing to get more energy throughout your day.

Tips on Getting Energy to Work Out

1. Foods that provide energy boosts.

Some of the best ways to get energy for your body is actually through the foods that you eat. After our mid morning workout we might be feeling a little sluggish and thinking about getting another cup of coffee. If you find yourself in this situation try to substitute that second cup with some of these great energy snacks.

Fresh Fruit Oranges/Bananas/Apples: Packed with many nutrients and vitamins, fruits give our bodies the natural sugar that provides us with long bursts of energy. They are very convenient because we can grab a piece on our way out of the door and stay on the move.

Almonds- Nuts in General: These fiber packed goodies come in a small size but they sure do pack an energy punch. Almonds have a high calorie per gram ratio hence giving you tons of energy and you don't even need to eat a lot. They also contain healthy fats that are extremely essential to our diets.

Carrots: Carrots are great for energy. They strengthen the immune system as well as increases our bodies resistance to disease and aging. They are notoriously known for the anti-oxidant called beta-carotene which is a cancer fighting compound.

2. Start doing relaxation techniques.

Our minds are constantly racing throughout the day thinking about work, school, problems at home, etc. With all these things weighing us down its no wonder that our minds are mentally exhausted when it comes time to pump iron.

Well, I'm happy to say that there are a few things you can do to calm yourself down and mentally prepare for a strenuous workout.

Meditation: Meditation has been around for centuries and its no secret that there are significant benefits. Not only will you be more focused during your workout, you will experience more peace of mind and in turn, more energy.

Meditation is actually a lot simpler than people make it out to be. There are many free videos online on how to meditate but here is a quick guide.

Find a quiet spot where you will be able to sit or lay comfortably for about 15-20 min.While sitting down, try not to have any distractions around you. You can meditate with your eyes open or closed. Most prefer their eyes closed so as not to be distracted.

Start to observe your breathing. You should be taking slow and deep breathes. Imagine all your worries, thoughts, feelings float away with each exhalation.You'll start to be more aware of your body because your mind won't be focused on these feelings and worries.

If a thought pops in your head, which it will, act as if it is normal and don't continue thinking about it.Try to keep your meditating sessions for at least 20 minutes. Your body will feel rejuvinated and your mind will be clear and lucid.

3. Power Naps

There is a good reason that they are called power naps. These are quick naps ranging from 20-30 minutes which will have you feeling like you had a good night's sleep. I never believed it until I tried it.

In the middle of the day we start to feel a bit weary and this is the perfect time to lay down on the couch and doze off for a few. Remember to set your alarm so that you don't go over the 20 minute limit. The reason that these naps are so short is because you don't want to fall into a deeper sleep where it will be so much harder for you to wake up.

Here is a quick guideline on power naps to follow:

Try to make it a habit to have a scheduled power nap. After a few days of consistent napping at the same time, our bodies will realize the nap is coming and therefore it'll be a lot easier to fall asleep.Nap in a dark room so the light doesn't bother you.

Also, don't have the television on or else you might find it hard to doze off.Keep your nap sessions short, no more than 30 minutes. However, studies have also shown that naps ranging between 30-60 minutes provide a mental boost in memory and other brain functions that help with studying.

4. Don't skip breakfast!

A lot of people make the mistake of getting up and skipping out on the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is breaking the fast that your body goes through while you are sleeping. Our bodies are craving for a source of energy in the morning which we fill by drinking coffee.

Its important that we eat something in the morning, even if it has to be a piece of fruit as you're leaving the house. If you have a bit more time, cereal is a great meal to have. You can even add pieces of fruit to give you more energy.

The saying to eat breakfast like a king is extremely relevant. However, we really can't afford to skip ANY meals. We have to keep our energy coming throughout the day and so if you feel the need to have a small snack throughout the day, go for it.

5. Aerobic Exercise

In 2008 at the University of Georgia, researchers found that inactive folks who usually complained of fatigue could increase energy by 20% while decreasing fatigue by as much as 65% just by doing regular, low-intensity exercise.

They also suggested that participants who walked more throughout the day experienced more energy than those who did not.

Aerobic exercise increases endorphins which make us feel good. When we are feeling good we usually have a lot more alertness and energy. You don't have to be sprinting for hours to experience this burst in energy. A simple walk for 30-40 minutes will have you feeling energized.

We no longer worry about being too tired to exercise. The cure for this is EXERCISE. The next time you're feeling tired go for a short run or do a couple of jumping jacks and see how you feel afterwards.

Whenever you feel tired and unmotivated to work out remember these simple tips and you'll find that you have all the energy you need to get what you want done.

However, these are just a few ways to get energy. The next step you have to decide is WHAT to do with that energy.

For info on getting in shape and cutting body fat Visit Elite Fitness Lab

Upon visiting you'll receive a free ebook "25 Tips on Getting Your Six Pack" along with customized diet plans and workouts.


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