Lets face it. More and more children are getting overweight, and some morbidly obese. The American culture is built on a very strong relationship with food. Regardless of its nature or cause, children are following parents habits of eating and tend towards being overweight themselves. 
Less and less physical activities is required from them in the educational system because of budgetary cuts, and these kids find themselves headed back home at the end of the school day to find themselves in front of TV or computer with fatty snacks in front of them. Now where is the problem here? Its EVERYTHING.
Phys.Ed is bei8ng slashed by school principle because the county or the state requires better grades from their school district the physical education classes are being replaced by extra prep class for SAT. 
Yes, we might have smarter kids but what about their health? Bad habits are implemented early in life and if we present them with alternate choices to being healthy, these kids will strive for better grades but will forget the engine that drives themselves to a successful life: Their bodies.
You can be the smarter person on earth but how good are you if you can barely get out of bed because of several hundred pounds of fat dragging you down. Where is the logic there? You don't need a IQ passed 100 to understand that concept.
Needless to say, our kids are our future, however, what kind of future is America facing in the next decade? Previously, we discussed relationship with food, and for many, this intimate relationship is more then the basic need for food to survive. 
Many uses food as a tool to comfort their mood when something horrible happens, and feel like their issues might go away or appease their stress level. Unfortunately for them, the type of food that does just that is not really nutritious, hence, has high fat content that increases blood pressure or high cholesterol. 
This comfort food is constantly used when ordeal arise in their lives, so the vicious cycle begins and literally never ends. It because a downward spiral to the abyss of obesity.
Some might escape it by taking back control of their lives and appear on TV on the Biggest Loser, and others have a great support system that allows them to eliminate the need to eat junk food and replace it by the need to exercise and eat healthy.
Obviously, everyone who is on the path to lose weight should have one primary asset in common, and it is called self control. We all get invited to dinner, either in or out of house, temptation is high when presented with fatty food and dessert. Do not get offended because you are being presented with these dessert because not everyone should be on a diet because you are. 
Everyone lives their own lives and this is why you always need to eat at home healthy prior to going out anywhere. Yes, you might think it is counter productive of eating at home prior to eating out. 
But just think about it for a minute. You heard before to never go at a grocery store when you are hungry because you end up buying the wrong foods and in larger quantities. Your eyes get to be bigger then your stomach so you pig out with the wrong foods. So use that same logic when you go out at restaurant in the company of friends. 
The key is to spend time with friends and NOT with the food right? So there is nothing wrong to show up not needing to eat that unhealthy food. A salad will do right? I always did that myself during my losing weight process. 
I ate before going out which made it easier to look at food that wasn't heavy in starch or carbohydrates and just looked at lighter food because my stomach was already full. So, as per my title, is it really "Miracle foods" or should it be "Miracle strategies"?
If you look at Weight Watchers program compared to Jenny Craig and all the others weight loss program out there, most of these programs requires you to order their foods to lose the weight. 
The food is prepared specially for your body type and using just the right amount of carbohydrates, fat and protein to supply your body with the right nutrients and still lose weight. While Weight Watchers uses day to day over the shelves grocery food, it is up to you to select the foods with the least amount of points so you can work on getting the most nutrients while still being under the 20 daily allocated points.
Its about about choices and self control. You have the right to buy whatever you want, however, you need to be ready to pay the consequences of whatever path you are ready to embark on.
Obesity disease is growing and its taking more and more lives of young and old people alike. Its costing insurance companies a bundle to take care of obesity related disease, which includes but not limited to: 
Diabetes, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and many more that I need to write another article on that subject to cover it all. So what does it mean for everyone other healthy individuals? We are paying for people's lack of self control. Come to think of it, we have a socialistic healthcare system that is somewhat unfair.
How can we circumvent this problem? Incentive from insurance companies. If you are a smoker, you pay more, if you are obese, you will pay monthly premium for the cost of two people, and if you are healthy, the same goes like what Allstate car insurance company does, which gives you a check every year when you do not get into an accident. 
Lets do the same for health premium. If you are healthy, and not have any major related disease based on controlled outcome of your actions (eating unhealthy, smoking etc... ) you get a check back from the company to thank you for being healthy. 
Also, if you get yourself a fitness trainer, you can deduct the personal training sessions from your taxes so you can get money back from Uncle Sam. 
Plus, by doing that, every personal trainer will have to be a 1099 for the client, which means that every personal training sessions HAVE to be declared to the government. Some might hate that, but if that can bring a healthy population, then why not.
Life is too short as it is, so why add more health problems that you do not need. Living the life you want requires effort and action from your part. You can either go the healthy way or, well, you know the opposite.
You need to take control of your life. If you want to have a great sexy body, no miracle diet or food will make that happen, because its a combination of both exercise and eating healthy. 
They both go hand in hand so you need to really focus on what is really important in your life. People around you are very judgmental, and when face with someone who is overweight or obese, they will not conclude that its a thyroid issue or anything else, they will simply say: This person has NO SELF CONTROL, which can be the case, unfortunately. 
So let me ask you: Do you want people to point finger at you and conclude the same? Or do you want them to look at you and ask you: How did you get that dammm sexy body?
The choice is yours.
Dan Amzallag
Dan Amzallag
Author and Publisher
Consultation: 3013251550


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