Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the human body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, or does not properly use it. The body normally uses insulin to convert sugar and starches from food into energy and to regulate the level at which it enters the bloodstream. When a person has diabetes, their blood glucose (blood sugar) level is consistently too high.
The side effects of type 2 diabetes can be debilitating, and can include such things as kidney failure, blindness or even the amputation of some of the patient's limbs. The cause of diabetes - the most common endocrine disorder - is unknown, but there are some factors, such as genetics or obesity and lack of exercise, that appear to play a larger role.
Besides exercise and a healthy, regulated diet, there are a few things that can help prevent diabetes. One of these is coffee. Research suggests that people who drink coffee or green tea are less likely to get diabetes than people who don't.
The experiment was begun to see if there was any link between diabetes and drinking coffee and green tea. Test subjects completed a detailed survey about many factors affecting their health, habits and lifestyle, as well as how much coffee or tea they drank. Five years, the questionnaire was repeated.
 After other factors were accounted for, the research indicated that participants who drank large amounts of coffee or green tea were at a reduced risk of contracting diabetes. Participants who drank six or more cups of green tea or three or more cups of coffee daily were nearly one third less likely to get the disease. The link appeared to be stronger in women than men.
Two more things that may help prevent diabetes are Calcium and Vitamin D. Research done on over eighty thousand women by the Nurses' Health Study indicates that a combined intake of over 1,200 milligrams of Calcium and over 800 units of Vitamin D led to a thirty-three percent lower risk of diabetes. 
Women who took smaller amounts of these two nutrients were much more likely to get the disorder. Obtaining sufficient Calcium and Vitamin D through the use of supplements is highly encouraged for the prevention of diabetes.
While diabetes is a fearsome disorder, people can do a large part in preventing it. Regular exercise and a healthy diet play the largest part. But, as the research shows, consuming the necessary amounts of Calcium and Vitamin D is important as well. In addition, drinking coffee or green tea can also significantly lower the chance of getting type 2 diabetes.
For information and resources regarding coffee drinking and the appliances that make the experience oh, so yummy, please visit Click on Coffee.



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