Cinnamon and diabetes? What are people talking about here? After all, cinnamon is a tasty spice that we add to apple pie, cinnamon buns, cider and other treats, but what has that got to do with lowering blood sugar?
It turns out that cinnamon (minus the sugar that many dessert recipes call for) can have a moderately good effect on your blood sugar control and your blood lipids. "Bad" blood lipids are the dangerous fats that many people with type 2 diabetes also need to watch, such as triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, which is part of your total cholesterol levels.
Let's dig down into some specifics. One study published in a leading diabetes journal reported that intake of 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon per day (where 3 grams is about ½ teaspoon) can help improve these important lab tests for people with type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon has effects by causing cells to take up glucose from the blood and have effects on insulin receptors as well.
Of course to get benefits from this spice, you would need to find ways to use it without adding sugar. One way is to sprinkle it onto regular oatmeal that you make at home. Regular whole grain oatmeal may take a tiny more amount of time to prepare than instant oatmeal, but it has a better glycemic index and nutritional value for you. 
You can also get it in capsules to take, though it really tastes good enough to enjoy on foods. If you must use a sweetener to make something like whole grain cinnamon toast, use a granulated stevia product with the cinnamon as an example.
There was other good news about the benefits of cinnamon on blood sugar. The effects may continue for up to 20 days after stopping the spice, suggesting that you may be able to skip days without losing the desirable effects on your system. 
At the types of relatively low doses used in research studies, most people appear to tolerate cinnamon very well, without significant side effects. As with most food-based natural products, the main risk is allergic reactions. So you just need to find out in your specific situation if you tolerate cinnamon and can take it regularly.
As with most natural supplements and remedies for diabetes, no single one is likely to get you all the way back to normal health. In fact, a thoughtful combination of remedies and strategies, along with the healthy low carb diet we have discussed elsewhere, can make a big difference in how you do.
This point translates into the usual essential advice to speak to your own doctor or health care provider before trying this or any other natural supplement. Never just stop your prescribed medications. 
Still, if it does help, cinnamon may make it possible eventually, working with your doctor, to lower somewhat the amount of medications you require to get proper blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels for your health. Anything that you can do to lower your medication needs will help you cut your risks of drug side effects over time as well.
There are dozens of additional natural supplements that might help you with the blood sugar, blood lipid and blood pressure challenges that come with type 2 diabetes. 
Find out where you stand in your awareness of natural supplement options for people with diabetes. Take our free "Reversing Diabetes Naturally" Quiz today at High Blood Sugar Solution. Visit now and get yourself on track with natural supplements.



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