We all know that exercise should be a regular part of our life, and we all have gone periods of time - a week, a month, a year, maybe more where we've simply gotten out of routine exercise. The reasons why we fall off our exercise routines and don't get back into it can be endless: I'm too busy, I'm tired or stressed, it's too expensive, I don't like the gym, I don't like working out. If you're at that point now, here are a few tips that will help you break through the excuses and into a regular exercise routine again.
- Start Slow - Think Small Then Grow. If it's been a while since you've last exercised it's important to just add exercise back into your daily life, so start slow and simply go for a 20 minute walk a few times a week. The next week extend your walk to 30 minutes or maybe add a day of weight training. By starting slow you won't feel as overwhelmed and you'll set yourself up to succeed by committing to something that you know you can accomplish... at this stage it is a lot easier to tell yourself to go for a 20 minute walk than join an hour boot camp class. Remember, Start Slow - Think Small Then Grow.

- Schedule Your Workouts. Schedule when you want to work out into your calendar so that you have reserved a specific time for you to do it. Then hold yourself to that schedule.

- Workout with a Buddy. Having a friend that is committed to working out with you and has similar goals will provide each of you with the accountability and support needed. I always find it's easier if your workout buddy is at a similar fitness level with you, this way you're both exercising with similar intensity and will keep from bad feelings and/or preventing fitness improvement.

- Make it Interesting. Find something that will be exciting for you like taking a dance class or trying that boot camp class you have been looking into. It is a lot easier to exercise when you are having fun.

- Follow a health blog. People who receive diet advice or exercise advice are more likely to eat better and exercise more.Now that you're back into the exercise groove, here are a few more ideas to help keep your interest and commitment level

- Start your day with a good breakfast. Having a healthy breakfast when you wake up starts the trend of good decisions for the rest of the day.

- Listen to music. Music helps set the tone, helps create energy and helps to provide that extra drive and motivation to amp up your energy level.

- Know your measurements and abilities. Make sure you know where you stand as far as your body measurements and training ability so that you can see improvements. You will often times see results in your measurements before you see results on the scale, use these results as motivation to continue.

- Set Goals. Now that you know your measurements and abilities start setting some goals for yourself of where you want to be in one month, three months, and one year. Short-term goals are good because they allow you to see progress towards your long term goals.

- Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. A good goal would be "I will eat three servings of vegetables every day" or "I will lose 10 pounds by December 31."
I hope these tips help you on your fitness journey. Remember the hardest part of anything is usually just getting started. So get out there and start moving today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_L_McIntyre



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